Designed to make using the washroom simpler for those who are handicapped or disabled, the Disabled Washroom doors with Automatic Doors open and close automatically.
With innovative interior switches, the door is able to remain closed until the occupant is ready to leave the cubicle and is then able to operate the switch again which will cause the door to open. Each time the door is open, it remains open for a predetermined hold-open time to allow the user enough time to get in and out of the cubical safely and at their own pace.
In case of emergency situations, there is a switch option that immediately opens the door, while in the case of a power failure the door can be pushed/ pulled open or manually opened from the outside with a key.
Automatic door openers for handicapped access

Disabled washroom systems
We install disabled washroom access systems and are pioneers in this area with market leading products. We also provide consultancy to our customers

Either manually or with ‘assisted entry’ the door must be shut before the ‘touch to lock’ sensor will function. This is achieved by the use of a door sense normally closed magnetic contact.

Operate the ‘Touch to Lock – Touch to Open’ sensor, the red LED changes to blue and the door will unlock and open automatically (if an operator is fitted).
Features of the Disabled Washroom Doors include:
- Automatic open and close doors
- Vacant switch
- Occupied switch
- Push to open switch
- Emergency and power failure manual opening
- Fully electric operator
Contact us today to discuss your requirements with industry leading experts and we will ensure that we meet your needs having given you all of the options best suited to what you require.
For advice and installation of disabled washroom systems, call the experts on…