As technology advances, consumer expectations also change. For example, studies show that most people expect businesses to have automatic doors. This is because these doors offer a more convenient experience, especially if they purchase multiple products. It also makes your business more accessible for people with disabilities, as they might not be able to open traditional doors. Alternatively, laws might change to require you to upgrade your existing facilities. For example, in some states you are required to install universal washrooms, which have been designed to make life more convenient for people with disabilities. By making your business more accessible to people with disabilities you will be able to foster a more inclusive and supportive environment. Let’s look at some of the ways you can upgrade your existing business to incorporate these new technologies and met these new standards.

Let’s start by talking about how to upgrade from a traditional door to an automatic door. This will make your business accessible to a wider array of customers and will give people the impression that you are embracing modern technology solutions. The first thing that you should do is measure the space, this will help you understand which option will be best for you. You should also be aware that there are multiple types of automatic doors available on the market. These types of doors are; sliding, swinging, folding, low-energy sliding doors and revolving doors. Let’s briefly look at each of these door types in more detail to help you choose the best one for your business. Sliding doors are the most popular type of automatic door. Sensors detect when someone is approaching the door and it slides open. Next, we have swinging doors. These doors swing open to let people pass. They’re best used in areas where people only walk one way. Next, we find folding doors. These fold inwards to let people move past and are best used in locations where space is limited. The fourth type of automatic door is a low-energy sliding door. When someone approaches this door, they need to hit a button before the door will open. If you are concerned about how much electricity a door will use, this might be a great solution. Finally, is the revolving door. These doors are split into segments, which people step into, as the door rotates around. This type of door can be effectively used to give your building a grand entrance, as they allow multiple people to enter and exit simultaneously. Hopefully, by now you should have a clearer idea of which kind of door would work best for your building. Now, you can order that type of door and hire a company to install it for you.
While you might be able to remove the old door yourself, you should consider hiring a professional to install the automatic door. This is because these doors have a lot of electrical components that you don’t want to damage. You should also check that the installation company will be able to help you maintain the door to ensure that it keeps working for years into the future. Now that we know how to upgrade from a traditional door to an automatic door let’s look at how to install a universal washroom to benefit people with disabilities.
A universal washroom is a bathroom that can be used by people with disabilities. Some places might make installing these washrooms a legal requirement. Alternatively, you could opt to include them to make your business more accessible for people with disabilities. It can also act as a space that parents with small children can use. When planning this space there are a few things that you need to consider to ensure that your universal washroom will be as accessible as possible. First, you need to choose a space that is large enough for someone in a wheelchair to turn around or for a disabled person and their carer. You should also try to choose a location that already has plumbing, as this might help lower your costs. In addition, you should familiarise yourself with the legislation as it may stipulate how many washrooms you need. It might also place restrictions on where the washrooms can be located. For example, in Ontario you need one universal washroom every three floors. Once you have done this, you should consider hiring a company to build the washroom for you.
While you might be able to do simple jobs yourself, like fixing metal railings to the wall, it’s best to hire a company to create your washroom for you. When choosing this company, you should make sure that they are qualified and have a good understanding of the legislation. There are a few benefits to doing this. For example, they will be able to take care of the plumbing work for you, making sure that everything is connected properly. In addition, they will be able to ensure that everything is set-up correctly so that you meet your government requirements, which can often be very specific. For example, you might need to have fixtures at a specific height. They can usually also offer advice on how to make it as accessible as possible for people with disabilities. For example, you might be required to install an automatic door to make it easy for disabled people to access the room. Once this space has been created, you will need to regular maintenance. For example, you will need to ensure that the path to the room clear.
It’s important that your company keeps up-to-date with the latest technological advances and any legislative changes. For this reason, you should consider upgrading to automatic doors and installing universal washrooms. This will make your business more accessible for people with a disability and will help you build an inclusive environment. To make this easy for you, we discussed how you can upgrade your existing facilities to incorporate these new technologies. So, install automatic doors and universal washrooms in your business today.