Build 2021: Microsoft announces new features for Azure database services – Illinois News Today

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Microsoft has announced some new features in Azure Database Services in Build.The Azure database ledger feature, which is in preview for users, provides encryption verification for sensitive records.

Azure Synapse Link for Microsoft Dataverse provides instant insights from Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Power Platform applications, and Microsoft Power BI streaming dataflow eliminates the signal bottleneck to insights. In addition, the company has provided several updates to Cosmos DB to allow developers to build and modernize high-performance apps at any scale.

  • Azure Cosmos DB Serverless-Now available for all APIs. Serverless charges are the best deployment option for applications with exponential traffic patterns, as they only incur on consumed resources.
  • Azure Cosmos DB Integrated Cache-Currently in preview. The integrated cache optimizes the cost of read-intensive workloads and improves performance by up to 96% and 300%, respectively.
  • Azure Cosmos DB Always Encrypted-Currently in preview. Always Encrypted allows developers to encrypt sensitive data in client apps before storing them in the database.
  • Azure Cosmos DB Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)-Open to the public. RBAC allows administrators to define roles with specific rules and apply roles to Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) profiles to determine access levels.

Microsoft has also announced additional low-cost and free options for Azure Cosmos DB, Azure Database for PostgreSQL, and Azure Database for MySQL. Starting today, Azure Cosmos DB runs out of free tiers that have become widely available to users. This gives developers more flexibility to innovate with 1,000 RU / s provisioning throughput and 24 GB of free monthly storage. In addition, Azure Cosmos DB, a free Linux emulator in preview, allows Linux developers to build, test, and learn locally on the Azure Cosmos DB platform on Linux and MacOS machines.

The company also offers a 12-month offer for Azure Database for PostgreSQL and Azure Database for MySQL Flexible Server, which will be available next June and will be available for the first year with an Azure free account per month. It’s free to developers for up to 750 hours. In addition, Azure Database for Postgre SQL-Hyperscale (Citus) is currently in preview, offering a more cost-effective option to get started with Hyperscale (Citus) on a single node, making it easy to add worker nodes. I will. Achieve virtually unlimited scale.

Microsoft will also announce an additional category of services in Build called Azure Applied AI Services to help developers build AI solutions faster. These services combine Azure Cognitive Services with task-specific AI and business logic, allowing developers to build AI solutions for common scenarios such as document processing, customer service, and extracting insights from content. You can accelerate.

“Our commitment to developers is to make Azure the best cloud for developing intelligent applications.
It harnesses the power of data and AI. Microsoft Build has some exciting new
Features and offers that make it easier and more cost-effective for developers to get started with Azure data
And AI Services ”-JG Chirapurath, Vice President of Azure Data, AI, Edge.

Applicable AI services include Azure Bot Service, Azure Cognitive Search, Azure Form Recognizer, Azure Metrics Advisor, and Azure Immersive Reader. Starting today, Azure Bot Service makes it easy to build, test, and publish text, voice, or telephony-based bots through an integrated development experience. Azure Metrics Advisor, now publicly available, automatically detects and diagnoses issues and reduces downtime.

Developers can extend the applied AI services by incorporating their own custom models from Azure Machine Learning. Azure Machine Learning managed endpoints allow developers to automate the creation and management of the infrastructure used to deliver models to their applications. Developers using PyTorch for machine learning can access PyTorch Enterprise to gain more reliable production access with benefits such as professionalized requests and hands-on support.

Developers in low-code environments can today translate and program natural language into code using an example of an AI-powered app development approach. This experience is enhanced by the OpenAI GPT-3 model, one of the largest natural language models in the world. This additional feature of Power Apps is made possible by Azure Machine Learning managed endpoints, as shown in the previous article. Microsoft extends low-code Power Platform with VS extension, GPT3 support..

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