As the saying goes, necessity is the mother of invention. After that, the focus turns to refinement. The Roman blind, borne of necessity, migrated into the rest of America from the Eternal City some 2,000 years ago. Today, BBG retains the same classic elements of the original Roman blind design, tailoring it to meet the unique requirements of the modern Canadian home.
Roman Blinds

Roman Blinds

Our Fabrics
Fine, woven cloths still form the basis of BBG’ flagship window dressing. Cut to size at the behest of our customers, we offer the luxury of a fabric that drapes naturally around the frame or one which neatly caresses the inside of the window’s recess.
Linen weaves form the basis of our collection. Linen is renowned for its simplicity and classic style and, whether patterned or plain, remains a much beloved choice for window dressings across the land.
Our Designs
At the forefront of everything we do is design. A team of experienced in-house designers is charged with carefully curating fabrics from across the globe to form a unique and cohesive collection. Fashion comes and goes but, from classic to contemporary, every pattern we choose has one thing in common – genuine style.
The BBG design team is also charged with creating exclusive prints to sit alongside its patterns, jacquards and textured weaves. Scouring all four corners of the globe, their keen eye takes in a range of eclectic influences to ensure each design represents the dernier cri in contemporary soft furnishing.

Our Individualism
At BBG, care and attention to detail doesn’t simply stop once we’ve selected the perfect fabric. Next, we turn our attention inwards to the finer details.
We understand the importance of finishing touches to the discerning customer. Thus, in order to preserve the traditions of the Roman blind, BBG steadfastly refuses to bow to the modern penchant for adhesives. Instead, each and every join is stitched to provide a sense of individuality as well as an elegant finish.
Our Extras
Roman blinds are renowned for the way the fabric folds elegantly upon every raise. At BBG, strong support rods are sewn into place to give structure to the blind and provide a longevity that even the most modern of bonding agents cannot. This is the secret behind our perfect folds.
Next, in order to deliver the most fluid, even motion, BBG uses a Deluxe headrail mechanism, allowing the blind to be lifted and lowered with consummate ease, coming to rest with pinpoint accuracy.
Finally, a strong and stylish nickel chain has become the BBG trademark. It adds a sense of grace and sophistication, finishing the look in fitting fashion.

Our Finishing Touches
All of these detailed components come together to deliver a BBG Roman blind that works to perfection, looks beautiful and is finished with a flourish.
Two thousand years ago, all that stood between the dusty streets of Rome and the inside of people’s homes was a piece of fabric soaked in water. Today, the modern homeowner is in the privileged position of opting for something much more refined. The BBG collection strives to position itself at the head of the queue when it comes to meeting those needs.